The Purifier Skin Stick
Price: $14.00 (as of this blog post)
Standard Size: 0.5 oz. / 14 g
Fragrance: Tea tree and eucalyptus.
Availability: Currently available as of this post.
Use: Smooth stick to apply over impaired skin as needed for quick relief.
Product Size Experience: Full Size | 0.5 oz. / 14 g
1st Impression:'s like body chap-stick? A chap-stick for the body...huh...that's new to me.
Rating: * * * * *
Recommendation: Spot treatment to soothe irritation from bites or other skin discomfort.
Okay...personal fun fact, I happen to be cursed with the special blend of scents in and around my person and blood to attract those blood-sucker mosquitoes regardless of how much DEET has been applied to my skin. Seriously-- these tiny, winged vampires will attack even if I'm covered in something that should be poison to them. Once, I was outside waiting to get in a friend's pool on a nice summer about 0.5-seconds I was covered in bumps head -to- toe and looked like I had a bad case of the mumps after they were through with me. (This is basically why I'm not much of an outdoor person and more a techie geek girl at the core.)
Because of the allergic reaction or irritation that's caused by the anticoagulant injected during the feeding process when one of the blood-suckers bite you. I've yet to train my martial art senses to detect them before they can land...but these vampires are quick once they latch onto a person-- I ended up squishing one instead of shooing it away and to my horror my fingertips were covered in my blood. ALL THAT BLOOD FROM A TINY BODY-- HOW?! *ahem* At any rate...due to the itching my usual go-to is Witch Hazel to counteract the saliva enzymes which cause the skin irritation and swelling. However...the scent of Witch Hazel is not one I've ever found pleasing and I don't enjoy the idea of being around people after having to use the stuff.
This skin stick makes for a nice and soothing alternative to my usual treatment for mosquito bites, and it has a subtle scent that's nice. I've tried applying some to a section of my arm to see if by chance it might dissuade the winged menace from taking a chomp out of me in the first place-- no such luck, the curse of my genetics for tasty blood is still too strong. However, application after the fact does show immediate results for me. The swelling goes down quickly, plus the itching stops completely to keep me from scratching and making the spread of that enzyme in or around my skin worse. I may need to stock up on this for myself in general...I may go through it too quickly this summer due to the mild winter last year in this area.
The best use is more for spot application, and in its stick form that application is easy. For me, I've perhaps used a bit more than most would normally on their skin due to being under constant assault by the mosquito horde in my area. But for others without a similar mosquito-tasty-vintage blood type, this skin stick will go a long way as not much is needed to apply for relief. While I've never used it on a patch of sunburn (which is highly unlikely given how badly the tiny, winged vampires feast upon my blood) I could see this as a quick and gentle relief for those that may catch a bit too much of the sun's rays while outside this summer. It definitely relieves the itching in bites and helps to reduce the bumps that result from such irritation to the skin.