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Gender Bender Body Wash Shower Gel

Price: $12.00 (as of this blog post)

Standard Size: 9 fl. oz. / 266 mL

Fragrance: Woodsy amber and soft citrus.

Use: Apply to cloth or scrub to lather on skin, rinse.

Product Size Experience: Full Size | 9 fl. oz. / 266 mL

1st Impression:'s not quite the same, but still pretty good...

Rating: * * * *

Recommendation: Detox pores and exfoliate dry skin.

I'm not sure if I like the shower gel over the actual soap. Which is usually different for me...since I do tend to favor a body wash over soap. At least that was mostly true until I ran across some of the interesting scents within the Perfectly Posh product line. I'm not certain if I pick up on the scent notes of amber and citrus in this liquid form of Gender Bender but it's still pretty pleasant and light.

This blend uses a coconut oil base in the mix to create a foamy lather during a regular shower routine. It foams up rather quickly and not a lot is needed to use to clean one's skin. I think I prefer the soap bar version of this scent over the body wash, but it's a nice change up in my shower that I don't have to worry about the water washing away the cleaning product, so long as I remember to close the cap after use.

My skin feels just as clean and smooth as if using the Posh Chunk bars, and while there's less of a risk to drop said cleaning product on my foot-- I think I'd rather take my chances being a bit klutsy in the shower with the Posh Chunk bar for Gender Bender. If one is a fan of body washes, this is a good one to try...however it's also been retired so it might not be available for long. It's still available on the site when I'd last checked, but it might become a direct purchase via consultant with remaining stock at any point in the near future.

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