Muddy Honey Body Mask
Price: $8.00 (as of this blog post)
Standard Size: 4 oz. | 113 g
Fragrance: Intensified honey lemon.
Availability: Retired, but still available as of this post.
Use: Apply over clean, dry skin daily. Set for 20-30 minutes, rinse then moisturize.
Product Size Experience: Full Size | 4 oz.
1st Impression: Hm? This reminds me of Pooh Bear's honey? ...mmm...smells nice...
Rating: * * * * *
Recommendation: Aiding the healing of dry and irritated skin.
My initial intention was for a facial mask seeing as this one was supposed to be gentle and good for full body use. I was pleasantly surprised when I first got ahold of this Posh body mask. It looked like clear and perfect jar honey...and for a split second I wondered if it would go well on toast. But I reminded myself this was not for eating. It was actually nice and refreshingly sweet in fragrance but not overpowering. Good...considering I was going to test this out more as a facial mask.
It goes on the skin nice and smooth and doesn't stiffen much even with the long wait time before rinse and moisturizing. It was very refreshing to use to help my skin and there was no issues with my own personal skin irritation. At first during the initial application I thought about Pooh Bear and honey but it was a very nice and soothing when using this product for a facial mask. I mean it looked like a mini pot of Pooh's honey at a glance. I can imagine using this as a treatment for other areas. The application is easy and very soothing.
I found this refreshing for my skin as well something that would help mend any skin irritation. Granted I've only had a limited time to use this currently, but I have seen a noticeable change in helping my skin overall. I may not try to use this on a larger scale since I currently know this particular product is retired and that it has helped me personally as a facial, but if you do manage to pick this one up-- it is definitely worth the time to hunt it down. Honey is not what I would call my favorite fragrance but I find that in regards to pampering and restorative self-care, it's been very helpful to my skin.