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Enchant Tress Protective Hair Serum

Price: $19.00 (as of this blog post)

Standard Size: 1.95 fl. oz. / 53 mL

Fragrance: Tropical fruit and island floral with a hint of coconut.

Use: Clean, damp hair: apply one pump and work from roots to ends. Dry hair: small amount to tame loose strands and polish ends.

Product Size Experience: Sample Size | 0.15 oz. / 4.4 mL

1st Impression: Hmm...clear and slippery...kinda messy but manageable for easy application.

Rating: * * * *

Recommendation: For those looking to tame the extra curls and frizz.

Not knowing what to expect at first I decided the best way to try out this product for myself was after a shower. I should know better...when there's coconut in the mix that usually makes the intended end product more slippery and allows for a little bit to go a long way. Which is a plus in this case as I have long hair, so with the sample size I had available the "little goes a long way" aspect allowed me to test this hair serum in two ways because it was easy to apply. I'm a bit clumsy with the foil packets that most Perfectly Posh sample sizes come in but the full size container looks to make my struggle with the packet only a temporary inconvenience.

Without more than one packet to try I can't determine properly if on the long term this hair serum will restore one's hair. After application while my hair was wet I used my hair dryer to see how much it would tame my natural frizz when dry-- it was reasonable. My hair is naturally curly so at times it gets a bit unruly as the day goes on...and co-workers in the past sometimes gauge my stress levels by how frizzed out my hair looks by lunch time. While a damp hair application did affect the usual frizz I have I was curious to see if the remainder of the sample with a dry hair application would help control the usually crazy frizz I get on the long term. My hair did feel a bit fluffy afterwards, but my curls didn't get fully out of control over the day.

I'm not sure I'm in love the the product but I enjoy the idea of manageable frizz and hair restoration. I've got this on my list to get the larger size in the future to try it out over a longer span of time to see if there is any noticeable change to hair health and decrease in frizz-out moments. Application of this hair serum did make a reduction in my frizzy hair, so while it can't totally tame my curls with just one application-- perhaps with extended routine use it would help. Those that have a more moderate or light frizzy hair experience will perhaps notice more results with smaller and less frequent applications.

It's still worth a try but might not be for everyone. The scent isn't strong so it's not overwhelming or potentially clashing with any other scented shampoo or lotion one may use. Just the price has me balking at jumping on this too quickly-- understandably I don't pamper myself or invest in more than standard cleanliness products for the the cost might be worth it to those that are used to purchasing hair salon products. I've only ever been in a salon a handful of times in my life and that was due to parental pressure of getting my hair trimmed and styled to look pretty for pictures.


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