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Pamper Experiment: Complexion Perfection Exfoliating Face Wash

I ran across this one when my Posh consultant made a video to talk about this particular face wash. I have to admit that originally I didn't give it much thought, but the way this product was being described-- I thought it'd be interesting to see if my skin would react favorably to the blend. I gave her a poke to ask about any available sample packets to give it a seems to be paired up with the Moisturizer 911 Caffeinated Face Creme face creme which I figured wouldn't be bad to test out as well, though I was pretty certain I'd found my favorite already with the Honey Honey! Healing Body Creme I picked up prior.

I regret nothing...I'm glad I took a chance on this face wash. I have never experienced anything like this prior. For the record, I have seen a board certified dermatologist and they've had me on an acne gel for years now. It's antibiotic based, so over the past couple years of not seeing any results...I'm almost certain that my skin has become resistant to the gel as it doesn't work as well as it did the first year I started using it as a daily treatment. This fact has lead me into searching out other types of facial treatments for my acne and I have to say find myself more than pleased with this facial wash.

FINAL ANALYSIS: This facial wash showed highly visible results for me in less than 3 days. When initially trying out this wash my skin had broken out full-blown to the point of frustration that I wanted to hide my face in a paper bag. I used this wash once in the morning and once in the evening during those three days. I...have to admit that now I regret not taking a more medical science-style photo with detailed notes of before and after use over those first days-- its like watching those commercials on TV except I was seeing it happen live in the comfort of my bathroom. By the evening of day two the under the skin bumps that I do get from my worse acne breakouts was just about a memory on my skin. It's a bit gummy in texture and appears to be odd to spread over the skin, but it does work in nicely. The mix actually does a good job at controlling if not completely preventing a lot of my usual outbreaks that tend to be more frequent during the summer season.

In three days...I feel so...A-M-A-Z-I-N-G...

For those with stubborn acne breakouts mild or harsh in nature, this face wash is definitely one to pick up and try. I honestly can't believe it took me so long to find something this effective personally. Plus at the price it's by far less expensive than any of the acne medication my dermatologist has prescribed me. A bonus fact, I don't need a prescription to pick this wash up for myself either. I don't like having cremes or gels left on my face much, sure it'll usually absorb into the skin but with the southern heat-- I find most of the time the sweat and oil that builds up is counter-intuitive to the intended results of those cremes or gels that are meant to be left on the skin. For the most part I'd say this is a must buy, but at the very least a must try.

If you find yourself interested in this after reading this post and/or my initial review exposing me to this facial wash, you can pick it up here: [just by clicking this conveniently placed product link box]

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